Iowa BrainHack

June - July, 2021

Zoom: 994 7478 7236

Register for Working with ERP Data in MATLAB Tutorials

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The purpose of the summer 2021 Brainhack is to support University of Iowa researchers in learning MATLAB fundamentals and EEG Analysis. To that end, we have been generously supported with materials from internal and external sources credited below. We will meet every Friday for the duration of our series from 3-5pm. Syllabus Download.

Iowa City Brainhack is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Our anti-harassment policy can be found here: Code of Conduct.
If you have any comments/concerns please email,,,,, or

June 4th
03:00-05:00pm Intro to GUI and navigation, syntax, variables, data types
June 4th script
June 11th
03:00-05:00pm Strings, vectors, arrays, matrices, colon notation, nesting
June 11th script
June 18th
03:00-05:00pm Loops, decisions, operators, functions, intro to plotting
June 18th script
June 25th
03:00-05:00pm Catch-up day
June 24th script
July 2nd
03:00-05:00pm Theory about ephys/EEG, preprocessing, artifact identification
July 2nd script
July 9th
03:00-05:00pm Part 1: ICA, Intro to ERP
July 9th script
July 16th
03:00-05:00pm Part 2: More ERP code, plotting
July 16th script
July 23rd
03:00-05:00pm Catch-up day; time-frequency analysis, plotting, and general discussion if time. All tools and suggested papers on Github.
July 30th
03:00-05:00pm BONUS day; Power Spectral Analysis discussion with Dr. Victoria Muller-Ewald. See "Spectral Power Anlysis" on Github for slides.

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