University of Iowa Brainhack

May 18th - July 31th, 2020

World Wide Web (via Zoom and CrowdCast)

Register for the Python Tutorials

Join the Slack Group


The purpose of the University of Iowa brainhack this summer is to help participants learn python fundamentals and prepare whoever signed up for Neuromatch Academy . If you have no idea what idea what Neuromatch Academy is and you do not care, you can still benefit from the python tutorials being offered.

Going Online with Neuromatch

To promote community and togetherness while remaining safely apart, we are leveraging a new online course called Neuromatch Academy . Neuromatch Academy is a three week course (July 13th - July 31st) covering topics such as: data analysis, statistics, and machine learning with an emphasis on the application towards neural data. However, the course has a few prerequisites to make sure you can have the most informative experience. The prerequisites are Python, foundational neuroscience knowledge, and some foundational mathematical concepts such as linear algebra, calculus, and basic probability theory.

If that list looks scary, do not worry, we will be providing resources/tutorials as well as dedicated time to discuss those materials every week leading up to Neuromatch Academy. We will discuss those materials at Hacky Hour .

UI Brainhack is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Our anti-harassment policy can be found here: Code of Conduct.
If you have any comments/concerns please email Gail Harmata


We encourage you to have both the reading and assignment opened at the same time so you can run the code blocks as well as read the material.
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May 18th
09:00am Reading: Intro to Python
Assignment: Intro to Python
May 22th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
May 25th
09:00am Reading: Analyzing Patient Data
Assignment: Analyzing Patient Data
May 29th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
June 1st
09:00am Reading: Visualizing Tabular Data
Assignment: Visualizing Tabular Data
June 5th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
June 8th
09:00am Reading: Repeating Actions with Loops
Assignment: Repeating Actions with Loops
Reading: Storing Multiple Values in Lists
Assignment: Storing Multiple Values in Lists
June 12th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
June 15th
09:00am Reading: Analyzing Data from Multiple Files
Assignment: Analyzing Data from Multiple Files

Reading: Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames
Assignment: Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames

Reading: Pandas DataFrames
Assignment: Pandas DataFrames
June 19th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
June 22nd
09:00am Reading: Making Choices
Assignment: Making Choices

Reading: Creating Functions
Assignment: Creating Functions
June 26th
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
June 29th
09:00am Reading/Assigment: Python Dictionaries
Reading/Assignment: Python Dictionaries and Pandas DataFrames
Reading/Assignment: Neuroimaging in Python Introduction
July 3rd
03:00-05:00pm Hacky Hour Discussion/Road Block Breaker
July 6th
09:00am Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS) Introduction and Virtual Environments (No prep work)
July 10th
03:00-05:00pm Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS) Introduction and Virtual Environments Presentation!
July 13th
09:00am neuromatch academy begins!
July 31st
05:00pm neuromatch academy ends!

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